Viewing Party Requirements

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Viewing Party Requirements

Requirement Overview


  • Use RuboCop in project to enforce style guide (see user story)
  • Use co-authored commits when doing driver/navigator pairing.

Setup & Specs

To start, ONE partner should fork from THIS BASE REPO. Follow the setup instructions in that project’s README, and invite your partner as a collaborator on your forked repo.

Project specification requirements can be found here, within the base repo’s Projects tab.

You will need to create your own project board on your repository. Feel free to copy the cards we have on the above linked board to add to your own project board.

Wireframes found here can be used as an additional reference for the front-end.

Extension Ideas

  • Additional API consumption (find another API you want to consume that could provide some data on one or more pages)
  • Add functionality such that a user must accept an invite to a movie party.
  • Implement basic authentication for a user.
    • require a password field to user registration, and create log-in/log-out functionality
    • utilize sessions/cookies to remember a logged in user
  • Implement low-level server-side caching for API calls.

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