Viewing Party Lite

Project Description

For this project, you will be building an application to explore movies and create a viewing party event for you and other users of this application.

Learning Goals


Below are technical goals that you should be applying in this project.
The priority of these goals are demonstrated using a star grading system.
By the end of this project:
Student should have a functional understanding of the concept ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Student should have a familiar understanding, but may still have questions ⭐ ⭐
Student should know of the concept, but need further resources to implement ⭐

  • Consume JSON APIs that require authentication ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
  • Test consumption of APIs (facade,service,poros) ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
  • Organize and refactor code to be more maintainable ⭐ ⭐
  • Apply RuboCop’s style guide for code quality ⭐

Note: See Learning Goals to see at what level these skills need to be by the final.


Below are skills that are more general/necessary on the job that are practiced by completing the goals above.

  • Reading Documentation
  • Implementing concepts that are not explicitly taught
  • Practice individual research (articles, videos, mentors)
  • Team communication
  • Prioritizing goals/user stories
  • Time management

Project Requirements

Project requirements can be found here

Retro Guide

Use this retro guide during the scheduled retros for this project.

Peer Code Share

Complete the activity here


For the project evaluation each project team should prepare a 10 minute video presentation. Presentations longer than 10 minutes will not be reviewed and sent back for revision. Your presentation should cover the following points:

  • Demonstration of functionality
  • Technical quality and organization of the code
  • Identifying code that should be refactored and how it would be refactored
  • Running the test suite and a discussion of test coverage (happy and sad path and edge cases)
  • Identifying the area of code of which you are most proud and an area where you would like specific feedback

All team members are expected to participate equally in the presentation. Students should focus on practicing technical communication that is succinct and utilizes appropriate technical vocabulary.

Please open a pull request on the Turing Viewing Party Repo. Instructors will review the video presentation and do a brief code review (so please make sure you identify an area you’d like feedback in your video, so we can focus where you’d like it most). Scores and final comments will be sent to teams via Slack.

Slides are not required, but encouraged as a way to facilitate the presentation along with sharing specific code examples.

Your project will be evaluated based on this rubric.

Lesson Search Results

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