We have updated the content of our program. To access the current Software Engineering curriculum visit curriculum.turing.edu.
Whether, Sweater? Project Overview
Project Description
You are a back-end developer working on a team that is building an application to plan road trips. This app will allow users to see the current weather as well as the forecasted weather at the destination.
Your team is working in a service-oriented architecture. The front-end will communicate with your back-end through an API. Your job is to expose that API that satisfies the front-end team’s requirements.
Learning Goals
- Expose an API that aggregates data from multiple external APIs
- Expose an API that requires an authentication token
- Expose an API for CRUD functionality
- Determine completion criteria based on the needs of other developers
- Test both API consumption and exposure, making use of at least one mocking tool (VCR, Webmock, etc).
The project must expose all of the endpoints listed here
Pre-Approved Gems
This project will have you to consume multiple APIs - you should do so manually, without the use of SDKs/gems that may make it faster/easier. This is an assessment in part of your ability to read documentation, implement tooling required to test & consume one or more APIs manually, traverse complex external datasets, and refactor your application to do these things as efficiently as possible.
Here is a list of pre-approved gems you can use on this project:
pry, debug, byebug
simplecov # required
jsonapi-serializer # optional
If you have questions about a gem that is not on this list, please reach out to your instructors first.
Your project will be evaluated based on this rubric