Consultancy - Evaluation

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Presentation and Documentation

Live Demo or Video Presentation to Complete: (presented during live eval)

  • Team members who are not part of the demo/presentation, participate in Q&A

  • Live Demo
    • End-to-end demo on localhost
    • End-to-end demo in production
  • Video Presentation
    • Team has prepared a demonstration video
    • Video displays end-to-end application demo of happy path
    • Video discusses persona analysis and user empathy
    • Video discusses service-oriented architecture

Slide Presentation

  • Outlines MVP of the project
  • Discusses end users, persona analysis
  • Discusses technical design choices made

README and Documentation

Each Repo’s README meets the following:

  • links to other project repos & production links
  • contains a list of contributors, their GitHub profiles and LinkedIn profiles
  • discusses the purpose of its purpose (how it fits into the project SOA)
  • discusses how to install and test the repo

Frontend README:

  • has screenshots
  • discusses OAuth

Rails backend README:

  • includes database schema
  • each endpoint is documented with example request & response


Each group member should create a version of their current resume that lists Consultancy in the ‘projects’ section and highlights their work using appropriate technical terminology.

When the above criteria is met, here are additional points to Exceed Expectations

Demo or Presentation

  • ENV variables are changed on Heroku to point to invalid backend/services or API keys, or backend services are somehow taken offline; frontend shows a user-friendly error scenario


  • A Postman collection JSON file is included in the following repos(except for any portion which needs OAuth)
    • Rails Backend
  • Explains user personas and exhibits user empathy
    • Frontend

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