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CRUD in Sinatra Workshop - Robot World

You’ll be working in pairs for this challenge.

Fork this repository and CRUD out a robot. This app should be a directory of robots. A robot has a name, city, state, and department. Users should be able to enter a robot (create), see a list of all of the robots, see each robot individually (read), edit a robot (update), and delete a robot (delete).

Optional (possibly helpful) Setup

Want a better error page? What about a layout to connect your stylesheet? Check out the Sinatra View Boilerplate.


  • Use Faker gem to get dynimac content in your app
  • Add an avatar for each robot. Use http://robohash.org/ for pictures.
  • Add a dashboard that shows statistical data: a breakdown of how many robots and number of robots in each department/city/state.
  • Can you use a partial in your views?
  • Can you use HAML for your html templates instead of ERB?
  • Can you use the Pony gem to send an email from your Sinatra app?
  • Can you protect your app using HTTP Basic Auth?

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