Cart Exploration

The goal of this exercise is to explore the idea of building a shopping cart in Rails.

This Exploration will require that you do a lot more independent (or group) research into the topic than previous explorations.

To get started, find and review some recent blog posts about “rails 5 shopping cart best practices”.


Using the main code-along project in Mod 2 (ie, Set List, Bad Tracks, Jukebox, etc), implement tests and code that will satisfy the following user story:

As an unregistered user,
When I visit the song index
I see a link to “Add to Cart” next to each song.
When I click on “Add to Cart” on the first song
Then the resulting page shows a flash message saying “Added Song to Cart”
And I click a link on the page to "View Cart"
And I see a list of all songs I have added to my cart.

You Cannot:

  • Save cart to database

You Can:

  • Use Sessions


  • extract cart to a Plain Old Ruby Object (PORO)

Handing in your work

To get credit for handing in your work on time:

  1. Make a branch for your new work
  2. Commit your code locally and push your branch to your GitHub repo
  3. DO NOT MERGE THIS BRANCH!! (we’ll be going over this in a future class!!!)
  4. Look at the Branches tab for your repo and click on the branch name (the uri will look like
  5. Send the URL of your branch to your instructors via Slack DM

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