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Representational State Transfer

Learning Goals

  • Explain CRUD in the context of web applications.
  • Explain what is REST
  • Be able to distinguish between a RESTful vs non-RESTful route.


  • CRUD
  • REST
  • HTTP Verbs
  • URI

Warm Up

Based on your Task Manager App:

  • What does CRUD stand for?
  • Look at your Task Manager routes: what are the eight different method/path/controller#action combinations contained there?
  • What does each one do?


  • C - Create
  • R - Read
  • U - Update
  • D - Delete

This is a list of the operations we can perform on a resource.

In this context, resource is a generic term for something that we have in our application (e.g. tasks, people, movies). Generally, each table we create in our database holds specific instances of a particular resource. We create, read, update and destroy resources in our database.

Often, our applications will have a separate controller and model for each resource.


  • Representational State Transfer (ReST) is a web architecture style
  • Coined by Roy Fielding in doctoral dissertation (2000)
  • REST is a simple way to organize interactions between independent systems
  • A map between HTTP verb/path combinations and CRUD actions users want to perform on a resource
  • RESTful applications typically treat the web like a resource

HTTP Verbs

  • GET: retrieve a resource from a url
  • POST: create a new resource
  • PUT: update an entire resource
  • PATCH: update part of a resource
  • DELETE: remove/destroy a resource

Additional information from the W3C.


  • Uniform Resource Identifier

In this context, the portion of the URL after the domain.

For the URL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier, the URI would be /wiki/Uniform_Resource_Identifier.

Think to yourself

What is the URI for this address? http://www.tatteredcover.com/book/9781626722934

Seven RESTful Routes

Pull up the routes and TaskController from Task Manager. Let’s see if you can create a table for seven RESTful routes allowing us to perform all CRUD actions on a Task. Include the following:

  • Method (verb)
  • Path/URI
  • Controller
  • Controller action
  • What does it do?

Complete the table. You can either make a copy of the spreadsheet, or diagram this in your notebook.

Is there a command you can run from your terminal to help with the diagram? (HINT)

Not So RESTful Routes

  • Do research. What is an example of a non-RESTful route?
    • /tasks/add
    • /tasks/show_all
    • etc


  • What is each part of CRUD?
  • What is REST?
  • How do we combine CRUD and REST in web applications?
  • Record a version of the restful routes table in your notes

Additional Resources

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