Mod 2 Intermission Work

Learning Goals

  • Understand basic HTML elements and attributes
  • Understand basic CSS styling
  • Understand what a relational database is
  • Interact with a relational database by writing SQL
  • Explore the basics of Web Development
    • Understand and Implement CRUD functionality
    • Understand and implement the MVC design pattern
  • Begin learning the conventions of a Rails app


First, create a new Gist on Github. Copy and paste the markdown from this template into your gist.

This Gist will be your submission for your intermission work. Each of the assignments includes a Check for Understanding that you must complete in your Gist. Some of the assignments will also ask you to include a link to a GitHub repo.

Deliverables are due 5:00 pm the Saturday before the module begins. Prework must be completed in its entirety in order to be successful in Mod 2.


Work on the following assignments in order. Each assignment will assume that you have completed the previous one and the accompanying Checks for Understanding. Ruby 3.2.2 and Rails 7.1.2 are required.

Time-box recommendations are in each section’s instructions, and also included here for convenience.

  1. Sign up for the GitHub Student Developer Pack, using your email address.
    • This step sometimes takes a few days for GitHub to complete, but once you sign up for your credits you’ll be able to take advantage of their benefits!
    • Follow these instructions to get the info you require to complete registration. You do NOT need to complete the Heroku steps at this time! Ask in #codehelp if you get stuck.
  2. Ruby and Rails versions installation guide
  3. Get Module 2 Tools
  4. Intro to LinkedIn
  5. Styling (2 hrs total)
    • Intro to HTML (1h)
    • Intro to CSS (1h)
    • STRICTLY TIME BOX THESE EXPLORATIONS. You will only need to know extremely basic HTML and CSS in this mod.
  6. Intro to SQL (6 hrs total, 2 hrs each section)
  7. Rails Tutorial: Task Manager (Until complete)
  8. Optional: Static Challenge (2h - strict timebox. Focus on process/problem-solving rather than completion)

If you are Repeating

Do a modified version of the assignments above:

  • Intro to SQL (3-4 hrs total, 1 hr each section)
    • You can skip the Jumpstart Lab tutorial if you like. You can use the Checks for Understanding as a gauge of whether you need to review it or not.
    • Work on the SQL exercises. Spend at least 1 hour in all three sections.
    • Complete the Checks for Understanding
  • Task Manager
    • Review your code. If you do not have a copy, use the completed repo linked at the bottom of the README.
    • Answer the Checks for Understanding at the end of the README.
  • Complete a timed Static Challenge (2 hrs)
    • If you did Challenge 1 the first time, do Challenge 2, and vice versa.
    • STRICTLY TIMEBOX THIS ACTIVITY. DO NOT EXCEED 2 HOURS. Focus on your process and specific HTML/CSS troubleshooting skills. We do not care if you complete this challenge.
    • As you work, reference the W3Schools HTML5 Tutorial and W3Schools CSS Tutorial


When you are finished, fill out this form.

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