Module 1 Syllabus


Projects require students to apply new concepts from class and build on existing knowledge. All graded projects will be assesed on a scale of Well Below Expectations, Below Expectations, Meets Expectations, and Exceeds Expectations. Meets Expectations is considered a passing score. Students will have a total of 4 projects in Module 1:

  • Solo Project #1 - Begin Thursday week 1, due Tuesday week 2.
    • The goal of this project is for students to practice all of the key concepts of module 1 covered in the prework and week 1.
    • This project is “safe to fail”, meaning it will not count towards the final promotion decision at the end of the module, but you must attempt the project.
    • Students will be given feedback on their project, but scores will not count towards promotion.
  • Solo Project #2 - Begin Thursday week 2, due Tuesday week 3.
    • Students must pass either Solo Project #2 or the Paired Project to be promoted.
  • Paired Project - Begin Thursday week 3, due Thursday week 4.
    • Students must pass either the Paired Project or Solo Project #2 to be promoted.
  • Group Project - Begin Monday week 5, due Monday week 6.
    • Meets Expectations is considered a passing score and this project cannot score “Well Below Expectations” in any category.
    • Students must pass the Group Project to be promoted.

Independent Challenges

In week 6, students will participate in the Final Independent Challenge that will count towards the promotion decision. This is a 3 hour code challenge students will complete independently, meaning the student cannot seek help from other students, mentors, etc. Students are allowed to reference notes, other projects, and the internet.

In order to practice for the Final Independent Challenge in week 6, students will be given a weekly practice Independent Challenge starting in week 2. They will be submitted using a Github Pull Request, and instructors will give feedback in various forms. These are not formal assessments, but an opportunity for the student to practice their problem solving skills and receive feedback from instructors. Students are expected to complete the first three iterations.

Students can find examples of Independent Challenges here

MidMod Assessment

In week 3, students will participate in the MidMod Assessment. This MidMod is the same format as an Independent Challenge. This assessment will not count toward promotion.


Projects, Assessments, and Independent Assessments will be assessed on the following scale:

  • Below Expectations
  • Approaching Expectations
  • Meets Expectations (Passing)
  • Exceeds Expectations (Exceptional)

Projects, Independent Challenges, and Assessments will be broken into 4 iterations. Students are expected to complete the first 3 iterations to receive a passing score, while iteration 4 provides opportunities for further learning and exploration.


Students will use these Ruby Exercises to practice the material covered in Module 1. While the projects require synthesizing many concepts, the Ruby Exercises are meant to practice a concept in isolation. Successful students will reinforce their skills through both projects and exercises. Exercises will not be assigned or graded, however instructors will provide a weekly list of suggested exercises to practice the material.


One-on-Ones: Students can request to meet with an instructor to talk about non-technical topics at any time. This can include a student’s progress, stress management, suggestions for improvement, etc. This conversation should not involve coding, whiteboarding, etc. These will be guaranteed if requested.

Instructor Pairing: Students can request paired work time with an instructor.

Feedback from Instructors: Students will receive feedback from instructors for each project, independent timed challenge and assessment. In addition, students will receive a message from the instructors at the end of each week indicating if there are any topics or assignments that did not meet our expectations. If necessary, this message will include suggested actions for improvement.

Houses: Upon entering Module 1, students will be assigned a house. Each house has mentors and students from each module. Students are encouraged to use their House for mentorship and questions when they get stuck.


Students must complete a Portfolio, and participate in a Portfolio Review. Instructions for the Portfolio can be found here


Instructors will use the cohort Slack channel as the primary means of communication with students.

When sending a direct message (DM), students must DM ALL instructors. Exceptions are when a DM only applies to one instructor, for instance scheduling a one-on-one.


Attendance is required at 80% or above to pass Module 1. Attendance will be counted at all scheduled activities from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Per the Student Course Catalog, tardiness will be counted as absence.

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