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SortingCards - Project Requirements

Iteration 1


A Card represents a single card in our deck. It stores a suit and a value.

Use the tests provided to drive the development of your Card class. From the root directory of your project, run the test like this:

ruby spec/card_spec.rb

If you haven’t already, you will need to install minitest:

gem install rspec

If your Card class is written properly, you should be able to open a pry session and interact with it like so:

pry(main)> require './lib/card'
#=> true

pry(main)> card = Card.new("Ace", "Spades")
#=> #<Card:0x00007f800e29f0c8 @suit="Spades", @value="Ace">

pry(main)> card.value
#=> "Ace"

pry(main)> card.suit
#=> "Spades"

This interaction pattern assumes your Card class is in a file located at ./lib/card.rb.


Create a Guess class and an accompanying test file with the following methods:

  • initialize(string, Card) - A guess is initialized with two arguments. The first is a string representing a response to a card in the form of <value> of <suit>. The second argument is a Card object representing the card being guessed.
  • response - This method returns the response
  • card - This method returns the Card
  • correct? - This method returns a boolean indicating if the response correctly guesses the value and suit of the Card
  • feedback - This method either returns "Correct!" or "Incorrect." based on whether the guess was correct or not

The Guess class should respond to the following interaction pattern:

pry(main)> require './lib/guess'
#=> true

pry(main)> require './lib/card'
#=> true

pry(main)> card = Card.new("10", "Hearts")
#=> #<Card:0x00007f9984004cc0 @suit="Hearts", @value="10">

pry(main)> guess = Guess.new("10 of Hearts", card)
#=> #<Guess:0x00007f99842f0998 @card=#<Card:0x00007f9984004cc0 @suit="Hearts", @value="10">, @response="10 of Hearts">

pry(main)> guess.card
#=> #<Card:0x00007f9984004cc0 @suit="Hearts", @value="10">

pry(main)> guess.response
#=> "10 of Hearts"

pry(main)> guess.correct?
#=> true

pry(main)> guess.feedback
#=> "Correct!"

We also want to make sure that incorrect guesses are handled properly.

pry(main)> require './lib/guess'
#=> true

pry(main)> require './lib/card'
#=> true

pry(main)> card = Card.new("Queen", "Clubs")
#=> #<Card:0x00007f99839aa2a8 @suit="Clubs", @value="Queen">

pry(main)> guess = Guess.new("2 of Diamonds", card)
#=> #<Guess:0x00007f998413ee60 @card=#<Card:0x00007f99839aa2a8 @suit="Clubs", @value="Queen">, @response="2 of Diamonds">

pry(main)> guess.card
=> #<Card:0x00007f99839aa2a8 @suit="Clubs", @value="Queen">

pry(main)> guess.response
=> "2 of Diamonds"

pry(main)> guess.correct?
=> false

pry(main)> guess.feedback
=> "Incorrect."

Remember, #<Guess:0x00007f998413ee60 ... > means “A Guess Obeject” or “An Instance of the Guess Class”.

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