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A Perilous Journey

Iteration 6 - Carrying Supplies

We have assembled the wagons for our train to the pacific, but we aren’t going to make it very far without supplies. It is, after all, a perilous journey.

Modify your classes so that Nodes are able to carry supplies. Supplies will be added whenever a new Node is created. So you will need to modify append, insert, and prepend wherever they appear.

Additionally, you should be able to list all the supplies in your WagonTrain as a single hash. If multiple wagons are carrying the same supplies, be sure to sum their amounts, so you can really tell how much you’re carrying.

Expected Behavior:

> require "./lib/wagon_train"
> wt = WagonTrain.new
=> <WagonTrain list=<LinkedList @head=nil #234567890890> #456789045678>
> wt.append("Burke", {"pounds of food" => 200})
=> <Node @surname="Burke" @supplies={"pounds of food" => 200} @next_node=nil #5678904567890>
> wt.list.prepend("Hardy", {"spare wagon tongues" => 3})
=> <Node @surname="Hardy" @supplies={"spare wagon tongues" => 3} @next_node=<Node @surname="Burke" ... > #5678904567890>
> wt.list.insert(1, "West", {"pounds of food" => 300})
=> <Node @surname="West" @supplies={"pounds of food" => 300} @next_node=<Node @surname="Burke" ... > #5678904567890>
> wt.count
=> 3
> wt.supplies
=> {"spare wagon tongues" => 3, "pounds of food" => 500}

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