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A Perilous Journey

Iteration 4 - Additional Methods - find, pop, includes?

Perfect, we are almost there! Next is to add find, pop and includes? methods.

find takes two parameters, the first indicates the first position to return and the second parameter specifies how many elements to return.

includes? gives back true or false whether the supplied value is in the list.

pop removes the last element from the list. Before returning the last node, print that this family has “died of dysentery”

Expected behavior:

> list.to_string
=> "The McKinney family, followed by the Lawson family, followed by the Brooks family, followed by the Henderson family"
> list.find(2, 1)
=> "The Brooks family"
> list.find(1, 3)
=> "The Lawson family, followed by the Brooks family, followed by the Henderson family"
> list.includes?("Brooks")
=> true
> list.includes?("Chapman")
=> false
> list.pop
The Henderson family has died of dysentery
=> <Node surname="Henderson" next_node=nil #5678904567890>
> list.pop
The Brooks family has died of dysentery
=> <Node surname="Brooks" next_node=nil #5678904567890>
> list.to_string
=> "The McKinney family, followed by the Lawson family"

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