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FlashCards - Iteration 4

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Iteration 4

Loading Text Files

Right now, we’re hardcoding the flashcards into our runner. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a whole text file of questions and answers to use?

Let’s build an object that will read in a text file and generate cards. Go back to using TDD for this iteration.

Assuming we have a text file cards.txt that looks like this:

What is 5 + 5?,10,STEM
What is Rachel's favorite animal?,red panda,Turing Staff
What is Mike's middle name?,nobody knows,Turing Staff
What cardboard cutout lives at Turing?,Justin bieber,PopCulture

Then we should be able to do this:

pry(main)> require './lib/card_generator'
#=> true

pry(main)> filename = "cards.txt"
#=> "cards.txt"

pry(main)> cards = CardGenerator.new(filename).cards
#=> [#<Card:0x007f9f1413cbe8 @answer="10", @question="What is 5 + 5?", @category="STEM">,
 #<Card:0x007f9f1413c788 @answer="red panda", @question="What is Rachel's favorite animal?", @category="Turing Staff">,
 #<Card:0x007f9f1413c2b0 @answer="nobody knows", @question="What is Mike's middle name?", @category="Turing Staff">,
 #<Card:0x007f9f14137da0 @answer="Justin bieber", @question="What cardboard cutout lives at Turing?", @category="Pop Culture">]

Modify your program so that when you run ruby flashcard_runner.rb, it uses cards from cards.txt instead of hardcoded cards.

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