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Iteration 4: Data Access and Relationships: Economic Profile

Iteration 4: Data Access and Relationships: Economic Profile

Iteration 4

Data Access Layer


The EconomicProfileRepository is responsible for holding and searching our EconomicProfile instances. It offers the following methods:

  • #find_by_name - returns either nil or an instance of EconomicProfile having done a case insensitive search

The EconomicProfile instances are built using these data files:

  • Median household income.csv
  • School-aged children in poverty.csv
  • Students qualifying for free or reduced price lunch.csv
  • Title I students.csv

The repository is initialized and used like this:

epr = EconomicProfileRepository.new
  :economic_profile => {
    :median_household_income => "./data/Median household income.csv",
    :children_in_poverty => "./data/School-aged children in poverty.csv",
    :free_or_reduced_price_lunch => "./data/Students qualifying for free or reduced price lunch.csv",
    :title_i => "./data/Title I students.csv"
ep = epr.find_by_name("ACADEMY 20")
# => <EconomicProfile>


An instance of this class contains the data from the file above for a single district. We would create one like this:

data = {:median_household_income => {[2005, 2009] => 50000, [2008, 2014] => 60000},
        :children_in_poverty => {2012 => 0.1845},
        :free_or_reduced_price_lunch => {2014 => {:percentage => 0.023, :total => 100}},
        :title_i => {2015 => 0.543},
        :name => "ACADEMY 20"
economic_profile = EconomicProfile.new(data)

And it would offer the following methods:


This method takes one parameter:

  • year as an integer

A call to this method with an unknown year should raise an UnknownDataError.

To derive this number, we will average the values for all of the year ranges in which your requested year appears.

The method returns an integer.


=> 50000
=> 55000


This method takes no parameters. It returns an integer averaging the known median household incomes.

This should be an average of the reported income from all the available year ranges.


=> 55000


This method takes one parameter:

  • year as an integer

A call to this method with an unknown year should raise an UnknownDataError.

The method returns a float representing a percentage.


=> 0.184


This method takes one parameter:

  • year as an integer

A call to this method with an unknown year should raise an UnknownDataError.

The method returns a float representing a percentage.


=> 0.023


This method takes one parameter:

  • year as an integer

A call to this method with an unknown year should raise an UnknownDataError.

The method returns an integer representing the total number of children on Free or Reduced Price Lunch in that year.


=> 100


This method takes one parameter:

  • year as an integer

A call to this method with an unknown year should raise an UnknownDataError.

The method returns a float representing a percentage.


=> 0.543



We’ll add another relationship:

  • #economic_profile - returns an instance of EconomicProfile

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